The Relationship between Task Technology Fit and Individual Performance: Case Study in Hotel Industry in Malaysia
Associations require helpful performance from individual to reach their purposes. In todays of modern technology it is essential and very important to understand performance in the information technology (IT) area. This study brings up a problem that individual performance success could be enhanced by complementing other elements. This research examines the success of individual performance by task-technology fit theory. This study aims to investigate which task-technology fit elements are able to explain and improve the individual performance. The findings show that the TTF explains, improving personal performance of employees will cause higher level of organizational performance in hotel industry. In this research from eight factors of task technology fit three factors support, which are Quality, Authorization and Production Timeliness. Employee with high performance will provide better services for customers and this will increase customer satisfaction. This study provides solutions for employers of hotel industry in Malaysia to improve the performance of the operational employees, which eventually increases the performance of the hotel industry in Malaysia. As a result, the hotels will deliver better services to the customers, in order to compete with other hotels in Malaysia. In addition, delivering high quality services provides customer satisfaction, which significantly contributes to business performance. Moreover this will cause repeating travel to the same destination, purchase repetition and potential increased future patronage of the hotel.
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