An Overview of Data Mining Techniques in Recommender Systems

Mehrbakhsh Nilashi


Nowadays, recommender systems support the online customers in their decision making and buying process. Whereas, the information in the web is increasing through continuous growing of the number of websites, recommender systems have to recommend the items with maximal matching to the users’ preference. Recommender systems are an active research topic in the data mining and machine learning fields. Data mining techniques have played an important role in the design and implementation of recommender systems. In this paper, an overview of the main data mining techniques used in the design and implementation of recommender systems is given. The relevant papers which have used the data mining techniques in the context of recommender systems are reviewed. We hope that this research helps researchers who are interested in developing recommender systems with an insight into its state-of-the-art methods.


Recommender systems, Data mining techniques, Classification methods, Clustering methods, Prediction methods

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