The Use and Effect of Human Resource Information Systems on Human Resource Management Productivity

Javad Shahreki


This study aims to investigate the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) implementation on Business Process Management (BPM) through examining the relationship among influences of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) on HRM productivity. The current study developed a conceptual model and examined collected data from 187 HR specialists who have access to HRIS in their organizations. Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis was used to test hypotheses and examined data set. The results of this research showed that, applied properly, HRIS-provide HR transformational, transactional and traditional exercise has an important influence on the HRM performance. These results are suitable for competitive organizations in the marketplace that seek enhancement in HRM productivity by HRIS-empowered HR exercise. Consequently, the companies aimed to reconsider and renovate their business methods based on HRM are encouraged by this research to adopt a suitable HRIS, particularly a performance management system (PMS), which is a serious factor in their achievement.


Human Resource Management (HRM), Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Business Process Management (BPM)

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