Optimized ANFIS-Based Control of Variable-Speed Wind Turbines Using Bayesian Optimization for Enhanced Efficiency and Adaptability

Bagher Khademhamedani, Masoud Izadi, Hadi Delavar


Variable-speed wind turbines are important for achieving better energy efficiency and reducing mechanical wear in changing wind conditions. This research improves the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) used for controlling these turbines by proposing a new approach for tuning hyperparameters with Bayesian Optimization. The method searches the hyperparameter space dynamically, helping to optimize fuzzy membership functions and training parameters. This improves the model’s accuracy while also lowering computational effort. Simulations in MATLAB show that the optimized ANFIS achieves more power output and smoother control compared to traditional methods under varying wind speeds. Results indicate that turbine efficiency is significantly increased, with a 15% reduction in mean squared error (MSE), and the system adapts better to real-time changes in wind conditions. These findings highlight the potential of combining Bayesian Optimization with ANFIS for improving wind energy systems.


Wind Turbine Control, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, Bayesian Optimization, Renewable Energy

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